How did we ever get along without the Internet? Today we can pay bills, upload family movies, book vacations, and so much more. An interesting conversation came up a few weeks ago while waiting in a doctor's office. One of his assistants said; "I wonder what Heaven is like? Since no one is returning from the dead it's impossible to know."
Naturally, since I have a warped sense of humor, I said; "Wouldn't it be nice if there was a site called where you can post your after life experience." When you think about it there are travel logs for everything these days. People rate hotels and vacation spots, so why not a place to express your opinion of the afterlife.
Maybe it could go something like this:
"Well I must say that I'm pleasantly surprised. The only problem was that Saint Peter took a long time checking everyone's eternal passport. You would be surprised at how many uninvited guests try to sneak in."
Bob from Seattle, Wash.
"I was very impressed with the Pearly Gates. I think Tiffany helped in the design. It took a while locating lost relatives since their computers were down the day I arrived. We did finally meet up and everyone was glad to see me. Although they were surprised that I had died."
Carol from Sydney, Australia.
"I really like the place, it's better than I imagined. My wife and I are staying at Plato's Retreat (No connection to the one in NYC during the 70's) My only complaint is that there are too many theme parks. Old timers claim it has gotten worse since Disney arrived. It seems commercialism is everywhere these days."
Nicholas and Anastasia from Athens, Greece.
Who knows, anything could be possible in the future.
I purchased a new mattress set this weekend so I put an ad on Craig's list to sell the old one. When the delivery men came I asked them to move the old box spring into my driveway. I wanted to take some pictures before it was placed in the garage. The ad had ‘4’ vivid pictures, a definition of what I was selling, (Queen sized box spring) and the statement that, “it’s clean and bug free.” I don’t mind serious inquires, but I have to get somewhat sarcastic when I'm asked stupid questions. Here are some of the queries I received; you can’t make this stuff up.
Q - "You say the box spring is clean and has no bugs, so why do you have pictures of it outside?"
My Reply - "It was complaining that it never got to play in the yard."
Q – “What does it look like?”
My Reply – “I’m sorry but that’s classified information.”
(This response was because there were '4' pics)
Q – “I see you’re selling a box spring under household items. Do you also have any jewelry for sale?” (This one really had me stumped, but I had to reply)
My Reply – “I was storing my valuables in it after the banking collapse so there may be a trinket or two left inside.”
And my favorite...
My Reply - "Not since the mouse that lived inside died."
He said; "I was playing with some friends and ran into a tree."
With surprise she asked; "Oh my God, why did you run into the tree?"
In the voice of innocence he replied; "Because the tree didn't move."
Everyone in the office burst out laughing.
As another birthday rapidly approaches, and the avalanche of cards descends upon me (notice I haven't lost my sense of sarcasm) one in particular stands out. As the decades pass (mind you I said decades not years) my body has succumbed to the painful realities of getting older (again notice I said older and not old. The concept of denial is a wonderful coping mechanism). So when I opened one particular greeting I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I hope it gives you a chuckle too. (Thanks, Karla)
During the Polar Vortex an arctic blast of cold crept it's way down to my area. At the time I had read on-line how people were making snow by throwing boiling water into the air. Since I figured this was a rare opportunity I decided to try it myself. So I set up my camera and tested the theory. Well lo and behold it turns out it worked. Here's my video with undeniable proof.
There seems to be a lot of controversy since marijuana has become legal in some states. The age old debate as to which can cause you more harm has been reignited.
As a certifiable test subject, who consumed both for years, I can honestly say that neither has any long term effect on the brain.
The only problem I noticed lately is that my short-term memory is not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my short-term memory is not as sharp as it used to be.
Blogger Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Syndrome (B.O.C.D.S.)

So unfortunately I'm stuck indoors and I'm playing with my BLOG. - BIG mistake!!! - Ironically I wrote a short story awhile ago explaining why that isn't a good idea. Do I learn from my past mishaps...NO! So now I lay victim to a new disease called...
(BOCDS) 'Blogger Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Syndrome.'
The warning signs are;
1 - The need to constantly add postings to your BLOG.
2 - The compulsion desire to correct or update what you just wrote.
3 - An insatiable addiction to have as many 'Followers' as possible.
**(This has a rebound effect since no one is actually following)**
4 - An uncontrollable fixation with changing your template or profile.
At present there is no know cure for this affliction. The AMA has recommended that if you find yourself Blogging for 4 hours or more, immediately seek medical help. However there is a temporary solution that involves an on-line 12 step program. The only problem is that you have to Log-In and this somewhat defeats the whole purpose. Keep tuned to this BLOG for updated information.
(Disclaimer: No motorcycles were harmed in the making of this BLOG. Models were used.)
I drove around all day doing errands and hit every red light in a row. I guess that's just coincidence. Then I came home and my cable TV wasn't working.
Hmmm...So I figured I'd just get some Chinese food and watch a DVD tonight.
Wherever you go today you are bombarded with signs. Between advertisements, street signs, posters, etc there is an assault on the senses. The human brain can only absorb so much that after awhile everything is a blur. So I figured I'd post some signs that will hopefully make you laugh. Because with everything that's going on in the world we all need a good laugh every now and then. The first one I took while visiting Wales a few years ago.
When you're having this...
Once everyone was seated he proceeded with his survey.
"I'd like to thank all of you for coming and I hope you'll all be very honest. I'm taking a census on how often married couples have sex." He started out by asking some basic questions.
"How many of you have sexual relations several times a week? OK, how many have it once a week? How many have it once a month?" And so went the general inquiry.
Finally he came to the last question and apologized for having to ask something that sounded so stupid. "How many of you have sex once a year?"
All the way in the back of the room a man was feverishly waving his hands. The therapist thanked him but had to ask;
"Sir, I appreciate your candor, but why are you so excited?"
The man replied..."Tonight's the night!!!"... "Tonight's the night!!!"
The call comes in, 'Elderly lady thinks someone is harassing her'. Arrive at the location and this sweetheart of a grandma answers the door. She thinks she’s getting crank phone calls.
Grandma: “I’m getting calls but no one answers. They come at all hours of the day.”
Me: "Let’s take a look."
Hmmmm, phone is working OK, there’s a TV in the room, small bed, open window and a cockatiel (Parrot).
Me: “What happens when you get these calls?”
Grandma: “The phone rings, I say 'Hello' but nobody answers."
Me: "The phone is next to the open window, maybe it's your neighbor's."
Grandma: (In an insistent voice) "No, No, it's mine!"
Hmmmm again, suddenly the parrot starts mimicking a ringing telephone.
Grandma runs to the phone, picks it up and says, “Hello, Hello!"
"See this is what I’m talking about."
ME: Ok, this is going to be a loooong day.
What is the meaning of life? Years ago a good friend of mine came to this conclusion. During a philosophical debate he paused, leaned in close, looked both ways (As if to see if anyone was listening) and said, “Do you want to know the meaning of life?”
Ever so curious I answered...'Yes'. He replied in a soft whisper, “Its all bull$hit.”
His reasoning was simple. We struggle through life worrying about the small stuff. If we're lucky enough to reach old age we realize it was all a big waste of time.
Taking that into consideration I came up with my own theory.
From the day we're born we seek the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing. Then we focus on our secondary necessities. We may get jobs, raise families, and ultimately pursue the creature comforts that make life fun.
My belief is that one day we get all the knowledge we desire. On that day we learn the true meaning of our existence. Now here's the catch. It comes to us the split second before we die.
One Sunday morning Mary O’Tool attended her local church’s mass after being delinquent for several weeks. Father O’Malley was pleasantly surprised and asked why he hadn’t seen her at services for awhile. Mary explained that she had recently lost her womanizing boyfriend, Shawn.
The priest was dumbfounded and asked what happened. Mary told him Shawn had been the victim of a mortal gun shot wound, and she was extremely distraught having been by his side when he died. Being a compassionate man he totally understood, and she was forgiven. Reluctantly he asked, “Did he have any last words.”
She responded, "All he said was...Mary put down the gun !!!"
I don't know where my head was tonight. Instead of surfing the net, updating my Facebook page, blogging, tweeting or walking with my head buried in my iPhone I was actually looking up at the sky. What's wrong with me? Have I lost the desire to be part of the social network? What was I thinking? I was so mesmerized by this incredible October sunset that Instagram never even crossed my mind. I just sat there savoring an incredible light show provided by Mother Nature. I hope this is only a phase I'm going through.
OK, now that I have your attention here's my joke of the day...
To answer that age old question...'The chicken or the egg???'
A chicken and an egg are lying back after having sex.
a cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face.
The egg, looking a bit pissed off, grabs the sheet, rolls over and says,
(For those slow on the uptake, 'What 'came' first, the chicken or the egg?')
(BTW - Which way is the wheel spinning??? - Watch carefully and it changes direction)
Always give 100% at work:
describe where Canada is located?
And last but not least...
(BTW - Which way is the wheel spinning??? - Watch carefully and it changes direction)
(Hell and wait)
But why chance it?
"Hello - Is anyone one listening???" (Sarcastic humor)

There’s been a lot going on in the news lately concerning the phone tapping scandals. I was aware of these kinds of shenanigans back in the ‘70’s. Fortunately communication technology was still in its primitive stages back then. Today it’s a whole different ball game. Two year ago I posted this anecdote; I think it’s even more appropriate today. So I hope you enjoy…George Orwell's 1884: Is privacy dead?
OK, anyone who has ever opened a book is familiar with GEORGE ORWELL'S '1984'.
Look...I believe in being secure and the advancements of technology, but come on...
I grew up in the days of Black & White TV. I've learned to adjust to the changing times. I have a computer, cell phone, my Wi-Fi has replaced my High-Fi and so on. Now my problem is that I'm afraid to scratch my ass without it being posted on YouTube.
I figure I'm being captured by surveillance cameras at least 147 times a day. I can always be located by triangulation with my cell phone. My computer has anti-virus, anti-spyware, and is surrounded by anti-personal mines so no one will steal it. My home phone is probably tapped (Look, I've been there) and there's a spy satellite somewhere in outer space watching my every move.
I need a break. For the next hour I'm turning off my cell, unplugging my phone, shutting down my computer and hiding in my closet. I need some alone time.
”I told him I was having an affair and he said…good, is it going to be catered?"
Sleep, that heavenly state of bliss we seek to acquire every night. Without it we couldn't function. Every living creature on this planet needs some form of it. Sometimes it eludes us, other times we deprive ourselves of it, but most of the time we look forward to that escape at the end of the day. At times it's misrepresented, such as; "The Big Sleep", "Sleeping with the fishes" and putting our beloved pets "to sleep." Back in 1961 when transistor radios first made their appearance the song "Sleep" by Little Willie John hit the airways. I recently found it on YouTube. The creator of the video depicted the pleasures of that wonderful state of rest.
I hope you find it as amusing as I did, and may you have pleasant dreams tonight.
The good father wasn’t at all surprised and began asking him questions.
“Was it the one they call loose Sally?” Johnny replied; “No father.”
“What about that carefree spirit Angie?” Again the answer was no.
“Don’t tell me it was that she devil Alice”
Johnny insisted that he couldn’t divulge the girl’s name.
When absolution was finally given Father ‘O’ asked if he felt good about his confession.
Johnny replied; “I sure do father...I now have 3 new prospects.”
A female patient sat nervously in her dentist’s chair. She was told to open wide and the sound of his drill sent shivers down her spine. Suddenly the dentist felt his testicles in a tight vise like grip. In total astonishment he stopped what he was doing and looked at her. She stared directly into his eyes and said; “We’re not going to hurt each other…are we?”
Several of us were at the gym today and the conversation came up that Jack LaLanne had just passed away. We spoke about how he kept himself fit all those years. One man remarked that when Jack was in his 80’s he was interviewed by a reporter.
Allegedly the interviewer asked him if he was still having sex.
Without missing a beat he told the reporter; “Yes, I have sex almost everyday.”
Taken back by his quick response she immediately asked him;
“You mean to tell me you have sex almost everyday???”
At which point he replied;
“Yes, I almost had sex on Monday…I almost had sex on Tuesday…I almost had sex on Wednesday…,” and so on.
So to an inspirational man who we watched on our small Black & White TVs,
back when a microwave was just a small ripple of water at Jones Beach, I say:
“Rest in Peace, thanks for showing us how far we can push ourselves and that a sense of humor is essential for good health.”
OK, I’ve seen these stories where images of Jesus are appearing on a car window, frying pans and pancakes. (Click 'Blue' links) I know people can see almost any image on inanimate objects if they try hard enough. I was raised Catholic so I'm familiar how over zealous religious fanatics can get. Our latest participant is from Massachusetts and saw J.C's face on her 'iron.'
well, DUH !!! I mean even I wouldn’t want to be pressing my shirts with the savior’s face. He wouldn't do that if he saw my image on his iron. What's right is right, you have to draw the line somewhere.
Has anyone asked a more prevalent question, “Just how bad a housekeeper is this woman?” I mean I’ve done my share of laundries in my lifetime. Now I’m no rocket scientist, but when I saw a mark on the soleplate of the iron it meant only one thing...'I burnt something.' In no way did I ever feel that the second coming was at hand, although there were plenty of white shirts that went on to a better place.
So for all of you who see J.C. in your burnt pancakes, dirty car windows, greasy frying pans and scorched irons…I say, “Thank You.” You have all given me hope for the future, because it just goes to show there are people crazier than me out there.
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- Cat in the road
- A purpose, passion or goal makes life more rewarding. What's important to us changes as we pass through the different stages. I’ve paid my dues and I’m now venturing the path of the unknown, seeking out my heart’s desire. I'm still unsure of the destination, but the journey is an interesting one
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