Blogger Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Syndrome (B.O.C.D.S.)
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Far Fetched Humor
by Cat in the road
A long time ago a friend laid these words of wisdom at my feet; "Perfection is not what it's cracked up to be." It's winter, it's cold and dreary, and those tiny falling ice crystals are slowing accumulating . This heavy snow has imprisoned one of my bikes in a newly formed glacier which was once my driveway.
So unfortunately I'm stuck indoors and I'm playing with my BLOG. - BIG mistake!!! - Ironically I wrote a short story awhile ago explaining why that isn't a good idea. Do I learn from my past mishaps...NO! So now I lay victim to a new disease called...
(BOCDS) 'Blogger Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Syndrome.'
The warning signs are;
1 - The need to constantly add postings to your BLOG.
2 - The compulsion desire to correct or update what you just wrote.
3 - An insatiable addiction to have as many 'Followers' as possible.
**(This has a rebound effect since no one is actually following)**
4 - An uncontrollable fixation with changing your template or profile.
At present there is no know cure for this affliction. The AMA has recommended that if you find yourself Blogging for 4 hours or more, immediately seek medical help. However there is a temporary solution that involves an on-line 12 step program. The only problem is that you have to Log-In and this somewhat defeats the whole purpose. Keep tuned to this BLOG for updated information.
(Disclaimer: No motorcycles were harmed in the making of this BLOG. Models were used.)
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